About Us
The Childhood Advisory Council (CAC) was established by an act of the State Legislature in 1991. This Local Child Care & Development Planning Council (LPC) is a collaborative association of representatives from the early care and education field, including parents, child care providers, businesses, and government. LPC members are appointed by the County Supervisors or the County Superintendent of Schools.
The Council brings together parents, community members, government representatives, and child care providers to:
- Assess local child care needs: accessibility, affordability and quality
- Set local priorities for use of state and federal funds
- Use data to affect public policy decisions regarding early care & education and before & after school programs
Our Vision
Every child in Santa Cruz County has access to quality, affordable early care education and after-school programs
Our Mission
We are a unified voice for an early care and education system that meets the needs of
all children and families in Santa Cruz County, birth to 13 years of age.
Ways to stay involved in the LPC:
● Join the LPC (download application here)
● Join a committee
● Become a member of Friends of the Council
Please contact Diane Munoz at dmunoz@santacruzcoe.org or 831-466-5822.